
Welcome to project "Swingdaver"

What is Swingdaver?

Swingdaver is a java Swing client for communicating to the WEBDAV protocol specified at

Currently in progress and matching 95% of Dav Explorer's features plus a bunch of new features such as mounting of working directories and cut/copy/paste of entire directories, Swingdaver is built purely upon Apache's slide-webdav-client library, found at and without altering any of the library code. This is unlike the DAV Explorer which is referenced in the Slide documentation for creating new users.

Please stay tuned while I continue with mostly documentation at this point for everything that is working so far, and later potentially new features which draw on existing slide-webdav-client functions not currently available in the known Dav Explorer, such as labelling.

This client provides a API documentation at the private members level because it is not intended to be a reusable library, rather an extendable application, and therefore private members will likely be of interest to ongoing developers.

To begin, you will require a JRE. If the following link prompts you to download a file, press "cancel", because this means you do not currently have a compatible JRE installed.
Try this first
If you do not have a compatible JRE installed, then you may download one at:

Download the source package, get Apache Ant installed and run

ant dist
in the directory where you unpack this to. After that you may run it with
ant run
or type:
java -jar swingdaver.jar
from within the dist folder.

Oh, and by the way, I last used NetBeans 4.0-RC1 to work with this project and decided to include all my .form files and my nbproject folder, so hypothetically, you should be able to set this up as a project in NetBeans 4.0-RC1 without too much hassel. I think the most handy feature here is the visual aspect of the various Swing component forms.

If you're interested in leaving some input, you may do so in the public forum which can be found as a link at: Enjoy your Swingdaver experience.

Billy Joe McCue